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PokéSplash Gym Rules

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Server Overlord
Staff member
Always follow /rules!
The following is a list of rules both the Gym Leader and the Challenger must follow:

General Rules:

• The Gym Leader and Challengers Pokemon MUST be set to level 100.
• If a Challenger or Gym Leader suddenly disconnects from battle, wait a maximum of 5 minutes and DO NOT alter or heal your pokemon. If they rejoin resume the battle. However, if the Challenger or Gym Leader fails to return, the opposing player gains the win.
• If a Challenger breaks another Gym Rule after a Gym Battle has already been restarted due to the previous rule break, the Gym Leader may disqualify the Challenger and the Gym Leader will gain the win. (Does NOT include crashes/disconnects)
• As PokeSplash uses the National Dex Meta for its Gym System, you may not use any abilities, pokemon, or items listed on the National Dex ban list. (

Challenger-only rules:
• Challengers must ALWAYS start the Gym Battle with their Pokemon thrown out first.
• Challengers MAY NOT "borrow" another player's pokemon/team for the sole purpose to defeat a gym. You must train your own Pokemon, and create your own movesets and strategies. If you've purchased a Pokemon, you may still challenge the gym as long as it follows the rest of the Gym Rules. However, a Gym Leader may disqualify you if they feel that you are not using your own Pokemon/Team.
• Challengers MAY NOT disclose a Gym Leader's team or strategies to beat the Gym Leader with another player. Doing so will result in a Gym Ban.
• Please be appropriate/friendly to Gym leaders. It will result in a Gym Ban if you are continuously rude/inappropriate to the Gym Leader.

Gym Leader Only Rules:
• Gym Leaders may use a Mega-Evolved Pokemon which evolves into that Gym Type (aka Charizard X in Dragon Gym) only if the Gym Leader starts with that Pokemon and Mega evolves it during the first turn or after switching off a faint and Mega-Evolves during that turn.

The following clauses are used in Gym Battles:
• Bag Clause: You may not use items from their bag. (ex. Potions, Revives, or X-items)
• Sash Clause: You may not use more than one sash in your team.
• Sleep Clause: You may not sleep more than 1 of the opposing battler's pokemon.
• Evasion Clause: You may not use moves, items to increase evasion stats.
• Shadow Tag Clause: You may not use the move, Shadow Tag.
• Species Clause: You may not use duplicate Pokemon. (Pokemon with the same ID in the PokeDex)
• Baton Pass Clause: You may not use the move, Baton Pass.
• Moody Clause: You may not use the ability, Moody.
• Stall Clause: You may not stall for Struggles, moves' PP, Gym Leaders can decide to disqualify you if they feel like you are stalling them

The following items, moves and abilities are banned in Gym Battles:
• Items: King's Rock, Quick Claw, Razer Fang
• OHKO moves: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
• Moves: Dragon Rage, Sonic Boom, Destiny Bond, Assist, or Baton Pass, Last Respect, Shed Tail, Bright Powder, Minimize, Double Team.
• Ability: Shadow Tag, Arena Trap, Sand Veil, Snow Cloak, Moody, Power Construct

The following strategies are banned in Gym Battles:
• No PP stalling or any variation of PP stalling.
• No FEAR tactics or any variation of FEAR.
• A combination of Prankster, Lagging tail, and Copycat on a Pokemon.

The following Pokemon are banned in Gym Battles:
• AZ Floette.

4v4 Singles Gym Rules:
• 4 Pokemon max
• 1 Legendary
• 1 Ultra Beast
• As PokeSplash uses the National Dex Meta for its Gym System, you may not use any abilities, pokemon, or items listed on the National Dex ban list. (

6v6 Doubles Gym Rules:
• 6v6 Doubles National Dex Format
• 6 Pokemon max
• 1 Legendary
• 1 Ultra Beast
• As PokeSplash uses the National Dex Meta for its Gym System, you may not use any abilities, pokemon, or items listed on the National Dex ban list. (

Gym Leader guidelines:
• Always be nice and welcoming to Challengers.
• It is highly recommended to fully train your Pokemon's EVs, IVs, and Moves.
• You are only allowed to reject a Challenger with a good reason. If you are unsure you can DM any regular staff or Gym Staff member.
• If you apply for a Gym Leader position and are accepted, you are responsible for accepting battles. You may NOT frequently AFK as it detracts from everyone's experience.
• Upon two weeks of inactivity, your Gym Leader position will be revoked. If a Gym Staff member is notified beforehand, an extra 2 weeks may be granted.
• If you want to discuss a Gym Leader's application, please be constructive and only comment on their Pokemon team. Let their character and behavior be judged by Gym Staff members.

Elite 4 and Champion Rules
General Rules:
• Will follow the same general rules as normal Gym System
•As PokeSplash uses the National Dex Ubers Meta for its Elite 4 System, you may not use any abilities, pokemon, or items listed on the National Dex Ubers ban list. (

Challenger-only rules:
• Challengers must ALWAYS start the Gym Battle with their Pokemon thrown out first.
• Challengers MAY NOT "borrow" another player's pokemon/team for the sole purpose to defeat a gym. You must train your own Pokemon, and create your own movesets and strategies. If you've purchased a Pokemon, you may still challenge the gym as long as it follows the rest of the Gym Rules. However, a Gym Leader may disqualify you if they feel that you are not using your own Pokemon/Team.
• Challengers MAY NOT disclose a Gym Leader's team or strategies to beat the Gym Leader with another player. Doing so will result in a Gym Ban.
• Please be appropriate/friendly to Gym leaders. It will result in a Gym Ban if you are continuously rude/inappropriate to the Gym Leader.
• You MUST HAVE all 18 badges to challenge the Elite 4
• You MUST defeat all Elite 4 to challenge the Champion

Gym Leader Only Rules:
• Gym Leaders may use a Mega-Evolved Pokemon which evolves into that Gym Type (aka Charizard X in Dragon Gym) only if the Gym Leader starts with that Pokemon and Mega evolves it during the first turn or after switching off a faint and Mega-Evolves during that turn.
• Since the Elite 4s are dual typings you must have 3 Pokemon of each type in your party (i.e. In Steel/Dragon E4 you must have 3 Dragon type Pokemons and 3 Steel type Pokemon)

The following clauses are used in Gym Battles:
• Species Clause: Players cannot have more than one Pokémon with any National Pokédex number.
• Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent their opponent's Pokémon from fainting from PP depletion and Struggle recoil.
• Sleep Clause Mod: Players can not induce sleep on more than one of the opponent's Pokémon at once.
• Evasion Clause: Moves that boost evasion like Minimize are banned.
• OHKO Clause: Moves that OHKO the foe (Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold) are banned.

The following items, moves and abilities are banned in Gym Battles:
• Items: King's Rock, Quick Claw, Razer Fang, Bright Powder, Gengarite.
• OHKO moves: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
• Moves: Dragon Rage, Sonic Boom, Destiny Bond, Assist, Baton Pass, Minimize, or Double Team.
• Ability: Shadow Tag, Arena Trap, Sand Veil, Snow Cloak, Moody.

The following Pokemon are banned in Gym Battles:
• AZ Floette.
• Zacian
• Zacian-Crowned
• Mega Rayquaza

6v6 Singles Gym Rules:
• 6 Pokemon max.
• 3 Legendary max
• As PokeSplash uses the National Dex Ubers Meta for its Elite 4 system, you may not use any abilities, pokemon, or items listed on the National Dex Ubers ban list. (

Champion Battle's Rules:
• 6v6 Singles National Dex Ubers (
• No Legendary or Ultrabeast Restriction
• No type restriction
• Will have the same clause, banned items, moves and abilities as Elite 4

E4 Leader guidelines:
• Always be nice and welcoming to Challengers.
• Your Pokemon should be battle ready (EVs, IVs, Moves)
• You are only allowed to reject a Challenger with a good reason. If you are unsure you can DM any regular staff or Gym Staff member.
• If you apply for a E4 Leader position and are accepted, you are responsible for accepting battles. You may NOT frequently AFK as it detracts from everyone's experience.
• Upon two weeks of inactivity, your E4 Leader position will be revoked. If a Gym Staff member is notified beforehand, an extra 2 weeks may be granted.


Can only use Adamant Crystal, Griseous Core, and Lustrous Globe as held item for Dialga-Origin, Giratina-Origin, and Palkia-Origin respectively due to a bug
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