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PokéFlash Gym Rules

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Server Overlord
Staff member

Rules (all apply to both leaders and challengers):
Gen 9 National Dex

Always follow /rules
Gym Leaders are allowed to request to challengers team to make it follows all gym rules.
Gym Leaders are allowed to request spectators to leave for any reason. Disobeying this may result in a restriction from battling leaders.
No using FEAR tactics or any variations of FEAR.
No PP Stalling or variations of PP Stalling.
No usage of bag items.
A challenger are able to use Legendary Pokemon regardless of whether the Leader uses Legendary Pokemon or not. (No restriction on how many Legendary Pokemon you can use)
Follow Pokemon Limits [Please refer to /gyms in game to see how many Pokemons are allowed in each gyms].
Please refer to this website to see all banned Pokemons. (
You cannot use the following moves: Skill Swap, Z-Hypnosis, Baton Pass.
You cannot use Pokemon with the following abilities: Arena Trap, Moody, Power Construct.
You must follow the following clauses in all battles: Baton Pass, Bag, Dynamax, Endless Battle, Evasion, Item, Moody, OHKO, Sleep, Species [For more info Click Here [].
You must follow the following clauses in doubles battles: Gravity, Sleep. Battle.
Rules should always be used to raise the level of Challengers Pokemon under the level cap.
If the opponent (Challenger or Leader) disconnects unexpectedly during the battle, wait at least 5 minutes, do not heal or alter your Pokemon. If they rejoin, resume where the battle ended.
Dynamax is banned from gyms.

Banned all 2D mons & Zamazenta
Banned Moves: Dragon Tail, Revival Blessing, Roar, Whirlwind, Circle Throw
Banned items: Eject button, Booster Energy

Challenger Exclusive Rules:

You must always throw out your Pokemon before the leader.
You must always start with the Pokemon you throw out.
You may not borrow Pokemon from other players in order to challenge gyms, they must be your own Pokemon, that you have trained with your ideas.
If you’ve purchased a pokemon in a trade you may still challenge a gym as long as it follows the previous rules.

Leader Exclusive Rules:

You may only use Pokemon that align with your gym type. Your Pokemon should be the exact level of the gym cap (Level 100).
All pokemon MUST be fully EV and IV trained.

Gym Leader Guidelines:
Always be nice and welcoming to Challengers of your gym
It’s highly recommended that your team is fully IV and EV trained
You’re only allowed to reject a Challenger with good reason, ask a staff member if you're unsure. If you apply for a Gym Leader position, you’re responsible for accepting battles. You may not frequently AFK as it detracts from everyone's experience
Upon two weeks of inactivity, your Gym Leader status will be revoked. If staff are notified beforehand an extra two weeks of grace period may be granted
If you want to discuss a Gym Leader's application, please be constructive and only comment on their Pokemon team. Let character and behavior be determined by staff
You may NOT have nicknamed pokemon, and you are allowed to request a challenger to remove theirs.
You my only be a leader of 6 Gyms Maximum before needing to apply for Omni lead.
Leaders may use megas that turn into that gyms typing (must be turned mega once entered, failure to do so will result in a warning and possible loss of leader status from that gym)
Gym Leader Commands:
/leader accept - accepts the most recent battle request
/leader deny - denies the most recent battle request
/leader give - gives your most recent opponent their badge
/leader won - marks the most recent battle as a win (to track your win/loss stats)
/leader legend <gym> [true/false] - indicates whether or not your party contains a legendary in /gyms
/leader stats - view your win/loss ratio for each gym you're a leader of


E4 Gym Rules/Regulations

Gen 9 National Dex (all normal clauses still apply)

Both the Leader and Challenger guidelines are still set for these gyms.
Challengers must have a badge from all of the Gyms before battling an E4 leader, and all E4 badges before battling the Champion.
Challengers must use the same pokes/moved throughout the E4 gyms.
After beating an E4 leader you gain a Pokémon change point, this will allow you to change a SINGLE mon after beating an E4 gym.
Challengers may not change moves between leaders, doing so will result in the use of a change point.
You may continue battling the E4 leaders even after losing a battle, but may only battle the Champ 2 times before having to re-battle your way through the E4.
You may ask a staff member to reset your progress.

The Application process is similar to normal gyms, these E4 apps require mandatory testing.
Leaders must have half of the team following each typing (3/3 if its a 6 poke format)
Limit of 3 Leaders (not including omni) per E4 gym.
Beating and becoming the current Champion will grant 1x Shiny Legend Key (one time unlock)
Champion is swapped to whoever defeats the current champion.
Champion will be taken if Leader rules are not upheld, or are inactive for 3+ days
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