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PokéDash Gym Rules

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Server Overlord
Staff member
Gym Rules
Rules apply to both Gym Leaders & Challengers unless stated otherwise.

* You may not use any Pokémon or items that are banned from the S/V National Dex meta. [Click here to see a list of restrictions
* The following Pokémon are allowed: Shedinja.
* The following Pokémon are not allowed: Melmetal, Regieleki, Kingambit, Gholdengo, Dragapult and Zamazenta.
* You must follow the Pokémon Limits [Gyms are 4v4 battles].
* You cannot use the following moves: Baton Pass, Destiny Bond, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Endeavor, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw or Transform.
* You cannot use the following items: Weakness Policy.
* You cannot use Pokémon with the following abilities: Arena Trap, Imposter, Moody, Power Construct or Shadow Tag.
* You must follow the following clauses in all battles: Bag, Evasion, OHKO, Sleep and Species [For more info Click Here []].
* You must follow Stall Clause (You may not have more than two direct/indirect healing moves and one healing ability)
* Battle Rules should always be used to raise the level of Challengers Pokémon to lvl 100.

Challenger Exclusive Rules:
* You must always throw out your Pokémon before the leader and start with the same Pokémon.
* All your Pokémon must use their original name in battle.
* You may only bring 4 Pokémon with you to a battle.
* You may not borrow Pokémon from other players in order to challenge gyms, they must be your own Pokémon, that you have trained with your ideas. If you’ve purchased a Pokémon in a trade you may still challenge a gym as long as it follows the previous rules. Gym Leaders may still disqualify you if they feel you’re using a Pokémon/team that’s not yours. For example if you’re using the same team & strategy that a Gym Leader lost to the previous day, they may see fit to disqualify you. You will be punished accordingly.
* You may not disclose any Gym Leader teams or counters/strategies in order to beat specific Gym Leaders/Gyms (Jail).

Leader Exclusive Rules:
* You may only use Pokémon that align with your gym type.
* In Gyms that require 4 Pokémon, Pokémon must be divided into 2 from each type. If a Pokémon has both types of that gyms, it is your choice which type it counts for.
* Your Pokémon should be the exact level of the gym cap.

Elite Four Rules:
Rules apply to both Gym Leaders & Challengers unless stated otherwise.

* You may use only 1 Pokémon from the Ubers list of the SV National Dex meta. [Click here to view the full list []].
* The following Pokémon are allowed: Shedinja.
* The following Pokémon are not allowed: Melmetal, Regieleki, Kingambit, Gholdengo, Dragapult and Zamazenta.
* The following Pokémon are not allowed: Calyrex-Shadow, Koraidon, Miraidon, Mega Rayquaza, Zacian and Zacian-Crowned.
* You must use 6 Pokémon during each battle and all Pokémon should be level 100
[Battle Rules will not be used to raise them if they are lower].
* You cannot use the following moves: Baton Pass, Destiny Bond, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Endeavor, Whirlwind, Roar, Circle Throw or Transform.
* You cannot use the following items: Legend Plate and Weakness Policy.
* You cannot use Pokémon with the following abilities: Arena Trap, Imposter, Moody or Shadow Tag.
* You must follow the following clauses in all battles: Bag, Baton Pass, Evasion, OHKO, Sleep and Species [For more info Click Here []].
* You must follow Stall Clause (you may have a maximum of three direct healing moves across your party).
* You can either use a Primal or Mega Pokémon, not both. Ultra Necrozma counts as a Mega too.

Challenger Exclusive Rules:
* You must use the same team core throughout the whole Elite Four, you can only change your Pokémon if you have an available change or if you don't have an E4 badge. You start the Elite Four with one change, and can unlock one more (stackable) change each time you defeat an Elite Four leader. If you have no changes you may not change the Pokémon in your team.
* If you wish to reset your progress and start over with a fresh team, you may do so if the following conditions have been met:
- You have no more changes currently available.
- You have lost at least 2 battles in a row.
Once these conditions are met, you can message any member of PokeDash Gym Staff to reset your progress.
* You must always throw out your Pokémon before the leader and start with the same Pokémon.
* You may not borrow Pokémon from other players in order to challenge gyms, they must be your own Pokemon, that you have trained with your ideas. If you’ve purchased a Pokémon in a trade you may still challenge a gym as long as it follows the previous rules. E4 Leaders may still disqualify you if they feel you’re using a Pokémon/team that’s not yours. For example if you’re using the same team & strategy that an E4 Leader lost to the previous day, they may see fit to disqualify you.
* You may not disclose any E4 Leader teams or counters/strategies in order to beat specific E4 Leaders/Types.

Champion Battle:
* If you lose to the Champion, you must reobtain the four E4 badges before challenging them again.
* Becoming the Champion grants a one-time reward of a Shiny Legend Key.
* If you beat the Champion, you become the new Champion.

Leader Exclusive Rules:
* You may only use Pokémonthat align with your gym type.
* Leaders are expected to set all Clauses before the battle/know the unofficial clauses such as "Mega Clause."
* Team Preview must be used until the Challenger receives their first E4 badge and their team must be recorded in order to ensure they use the same team.
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