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appeal critic


New member
So I got jailed for 12 hours and so far I have served roughly 6 hours of jail time and I did my appeal almost as soon as I got jailed to me It is unfair that I could be possibly guilty yet no one has denied or approved that I am yet. I understand that the staff is not always free to help at many times but. 6 hours for an appeal seems reasonable enough time to get an appeal reply done. All in all it just does not sit right to me that I could be a player who followed all the rules and just was in a bad situation that led to get me getting jailed yet I still serve half or maybe even more of my jail time because no one has followed up on my appeal.


Hello, I understand why you feel upset or frustrated with this. However, like you said, the staff can't always be checking things. Most of the time, there are a few staff from each server checking their server appeals, but this isn't the case as of rn because there aren't that many staff members.
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