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Rule Change


New member
I recently got put in jail over hunting presents with my friend and i think that is ridiculous. The server needs to implement a friends system or something similar because I do believe that admin helping with presents should be banable but your friends should be able to help you. This feature could help with the 100k rule because if people are your friends trading shinies and legendries would make sense. If this feature cannot be implemented then i think the server should lift the rules of hunting presents with friends. People have said that it is unfair for others who do it solo but I think anyone can agree that accomplishing something with friends grows your friends and is much more fun than solo.


New member
One of the reasons for the hunt rules is not because others do it solo but because if you look at the rewards for the hunts you can see that the reward for most hunts is a shiny pokemon. If you do the hunt with others it will lead to all the people hunting together to a gain an unfair advantage over others for the reason that they will gain locations to the hunt items and eventually a free shiny that has a chance to be a legendary. If someone would do the hunt with others and complete it all the people hunting will have a shiny, if lots of people get lucky and get shiny legends the legends would probably lose value since there would be more of that specific legend.
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