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Did an event, request for stuff back.


New member
I did an event shortly after putting nearly all of my belonging in a chest. Didn't set spawn, couldn't find any sheep. After the event I couldn't find the area, didn't save the coords or anything. Not requesting the whole chest, just stuff I need. 63 pokeballs, 1 heavy ball, 8 fast balls, 8 friendly balls, and 1 nest ball. Got a voting pick as well as a sun stone PC, anvil, and a power band. Just asking for this, spent a lot of time on this server.


PokeBlast SeniorAdmin
Staff member
That would count as player error and so you most likely won't be reimbursed, however if you remember claiming over the land then run /claimslist in game and /msg any online staff to to you to those co-ordinates.
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